Research Publications

Research Arena
3.3.2 Screenshots of Journal Recognise UGC in Highlights Removed from the UGC List
3.3.2 “Journals Removed from UGC-Approved List of Journals” (For DVV)
3.3.2 “Papers Published in UGC Approved / Recognized Journals (2017-18 to 2019-20)” (For DVV)
3.3.3 A Table with Attestation by Principal and Highlights for ISSN, ISBN, Proceedings, Books- 5 Years (For DVV)
3.3.3 papers published in ISSN Journals from 2015-16 to 2019-20 ” (For DVV)
3.3.3 Papers published in ISBN Journals from 2015-16 to 2019-20 with Highlights (For DVV)
3.3.3 “Books Published from (2015-16 to 2019-20)” (For DVV)
Faculty Research Contribution
Faculty Recognized as Research Guides
Faculty as Research Guides_Details of Candiadtes Registered