Students Grievance Cell

Students Grievance Cell
Aim of Cell
To take cognizance of all the grievances pointed out by students and staff members in the matters involving infrastructure and to redress the grievances.
Powers and Duties
- To provide means for inviting and collecting grievances from students and staff on all matters concerning with infra structure and support services.
- To fix boxes for receiving Grievances and to keep record of the grievances and action taken.
- To hold fortnightly or monthly meetings to discuss the issues raised by the complainants. .
- To redress the grievance promptly if the complaint involved is of trivial nature.
- To forward the grievance to the Committee for Infrastructure Development and Maintenance and the Local Management Council if the grievance involved some new academic or infrastructure facility and policy decisions.
- To bring to the notice of the complainant the action taken report.
- To submit the reports of the meetings and grievances redressed to the IQAC by the end of academic year.
Women’s Grievance Redressal Committee | Name | Designation | Position |
1. | Smt. Manisha .V. Chaudhari | Asstt. Professor | Chairman |
2. | Prin. Dr. Sharda. J. Shitole | Principal | Member |
3. | Dr. Shobha. M. Deore | Asso. Professor | Member |
4. | Dr. Hemkant .M. Chaudhari | Librarian | Member |
5. | Dr. Vinay. G. Pawar | Phy. Edu Director | Member |
6. | Miss. Priyanka. R .Ahire | Student | Member |
7. | Miss Bhagyashri .A. Dahake | Student | Member |