Mentorship Scheme

Mentorship Scheme
The goal of student mentoring is to help all students involved in the mentoring program to gain the skills and confidence to be responsible for their own future and develop to their full academic and personal potential.
The college has since last several years practise a system of mentoring called the Tutor-ward system, whereby a tutor was provided to every ward admitted in the FYBA class to look after her academic and psychological wellbeing and also monitor class attendance and performance. The same system has now been restructured and named Mentor system. Under the Mentor system, the full-time teachers of the college have been engaged as mentors of FYBA class. Students of FYBA class in the college are having a full-time teacher as their mentor. At the beginning of the academic session, the roll number-wise students are assigned to the mentors.
The mentors are responsible for academic progress and psychological wellbeing of their mentees. They are also entrusted with the task of monitoring the attendance and academic progress of the students. They also provide primary psychological counseling to those who need them and refer them for more professional counseling, if required. At the beginning of the academic session, the mentors conduct orientation programmes for the mentees, whereby they are acquainted with the institution, its goals and mission, the facilities available and the regulations of the affiliating university. The mentors maintain the biographic details of each individual mentee including educational background and socio-economic status.
They also maintain a record of their class attendance, class performance and academic progress. The mentors use both formal and informal means of mentoring. The mentor system, apart from its formal part, also exists as a robust informal mechanism to boost inclusiveness, gender sensitivity and social responsibility of students. Three meetings of the mentor-mentee are organized every year. Following are some measures which the college observes for its Mentor-Mentee programme.
Objectives and Activities:
- It is vital that all students receive regular and informed guidance, have a wide range of experiences and understand where to get further information and advice. This will be evident through a number of initiatives, including;
- National integration and citizenship lessons
- Individual learning reviews and target setting for short term and long term development Career’s guidance and competitive exam guidance
- Further and Higher Education guidance
- Workplace learning experiences offered through several activity/programme organizations
- Regular internal communications with students through bi-monthly meetings
- Soft skill and personality development related workshop organization
- Maintenance of batch wise student roll call list
- Keep contact details of students and their parents
- Record of previous semester result
- Record of Mentor-Student meeting and the minutes of the meetings (Once in two months).
- Provide information about students to the each teacher whenever required.
- Student counseling regularly done whenever through meetings
- Discussion during meetings about their academic, health, career, individual socialdomestic problems, study related issues, remedial coaching etc.