Knowledge Resource Centre
Library is heart of College & Books are Treasure of knowledge!
Smt. H. R. Patel Arts Mahila College, Shirpur. Dist. Dhule (M/S) was established in July, 1990. Shirpur is a Taluka place and its surrounding area is always under drought prone zone. Our institution has opened the doors of Higher Education and always thinks of their all round development. Our aim is to make them to teach the lesson of social attachment. We are proud of our library because it is full of prescribed and reference books to cater the need of the students and teachers of the 21st century.
Our College has comleted accreditation in 2004 and got “B” grade from NAAC. In the year 2014, the 2nd cycle of accridiation was done and got ‘A’ grade with CGPA 3.02. Now we are going to face NAAC for 3rd cycle accreditation in the academic year 2019-20.
The Library is centrally located on the campus, which covers the area of 1850 sq ft. The Library is well ventilated with adequate facilities. It is partially computerized library. The college Library is one of the richest libraries in the area, having 15298 books including reference books, encyclopedia, etc on various subjects. The college library regularly subscribes about 43 journals and periodicals and 10 News Papers. There are seven computers in the library, which are used for monitoring the accession of books, the data entry of books which are completed for Library Software (LIBSYS).
The Library attached with a reading hall having the seating capacity of around 65students as well as staff reading room. The Library also provides a reference section along with independent seating arrangement for girls. There is also separate reading room for teachers. The reference section includes a number of books, periodicals, Journals and magazines. It helps the teachers and regular students.
There is open access system for the teachers and students. The central library is open from 10.30 am to 6.00 pm. on all working days including vacations. The Reading room of library also remains open from 10.30 am to 6.00 pm. on Sunday and other holidays.
Laws of Dr. S. R. Rangnathan for Library
- Books are for use
- Every reader his/her book
- Every book its reader
- Save the time of the reader
- Library is a growing organism
Library automation and network facilities facilitate a library in acquisition of information and dissemination the same within a short period of time, which is very essential in this ages of information revolution. In this context, the circulations of library is automated using online system. Students can pre-register for the required book through internet and can issue the same from College. Library has OPAC system.
“To provide current and timely information to all Users”.
Knowledge base to empower the learning community.
- To promote the reading habits in users.
- Extensive use of reading materials.
- To provide every reader his / her books & information.
- To see that every book has its reader.
- To save the time of the reader.
- Library is growing organization: a step towads development.
Objectives and Functions:
- To develop representative collection.
- To keep in constant touch with the teachers to know their research problems, method of teaching.
- To attend faculty meetings and to know about the changes taken place in the curriculum.
- To collect current information on the topics of research.
- To develop reading habits among students.
- To support classroom teaching.
- To bring to the notice of teachers now and then the resources and services that the library can make.
- To inform the teachers about new additions of books and periodicals in the Library.
- To develop healthy relationship with other libraries so that library resource sharing.
- To satisfy the information needs of the society.
- To use modern tools and techniques for collection, storage and dissemination of information.
- To make effort to establish a library network of libraries within Shirpur and in other nearby cities, towns & villages.
- To access the user needs and accordingly provide necessary services.
- Floor Area of the Library: – 1850 sq.Ft.
- Collections of Book:-
Types of Document | Total in No. | Cost |
Books | 14053 | 3032075.00 |
Human Right UGC-2015-16 | 186 | 161555.00 |
UGC Gen. Devlop. 2017-18 | 203 | 87741.00 |
Book Bank Scheme | BB:- 456 | 46646.00 |
CD & DVD | 126 | 33970.00 |
UGC Coaching Classes for Entry in Services | GK:- 733 | 124592.00 |
UGC Remedial Coaching Classes | REM :- 550 | 126902.00 |
UGC Computer Application and Knowledge | COM;- 452 | 151731.00 |
UGC Functional English | FE:- 417 | 140907.00 |
Current Periodicals | 43 |
Newspapers | 10 |
- N-LIST Membership:- Online Access of more than 3829 e-journals & 80409 E-Books
- Method of Classification : – D.C. (19th Ed.)
- Method of Cataloguing : – OPAC (Online)
- Library Automation : – Libsys Software
- Seating Capacity : – 65 Chairs
- Library Services : –
- Lending Service (Computerized + Barcode Base Circulation)
- Current Awareness Service
- Book Bank Service
- Reprographic Service
- Internet Based Service
- Inter Library Loan Service
- Users Services
- OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue)
- Open access for all users.
- Reference Services.
- All students should enter their names & signature in the “Student Visitor Register” while entering the library. Faculty members and visitors should make the entry in staff register.
- The student should keep their bags in the baggage section and not in the reading room.
- Students and faculty members should preserve their belongings or valuables; in case of loss he/she would be solely responsible.
- All the students must use their library card & student card in order to avail the library facilities.
- Issued books must be submitted on or before of submission dates.
- Do not put the circulars or notices on library notice board without prior permission from librarian.
- Do not write / scribble on any furniture or wall of the library. Any student found doing so will be fined and punished.
- Book will be issued as under, Library Working Hours: – 10.30 am to 06.00 pm Reference books will be available only in reading room and issued on the student card. Students are not allowed to take a reference book outside.
- Under-graduate students can issue one book for eight days.
- Post-graduate students can issue two books for eight days.
- For the faculty members twenty books will be issued for one semester.
- For renewal purpose student will have to present personally along with the book.
- The renewal of book will be done only once.
- If particular book is not available, student can reserve the book through OPAC system.
- Those students who are appearing for competitive exam, two books will be issued.
- Journals / Periodicals will not be issued outside the Library.
- If books are not returned or renewed within the specific date, fine per day will be collected form student.
- If library book is lost by the borrower, he/she will have to pay amount double the cost of book or
- replace the book.
- Mishandling, tearing of books or underlining with pen or pencil will not be tolerated.
- All Journals / Periodicals should be kept in their respective place after use.
- Students are not allowed to remove the newspaper from newspaper stands.
- Do not enter into the stack room without prior permission.
- All the borrowers should obey the above mentioned rules.
- We welcome your suggestions and comments about the Library in the “Suggestions & complaint Box”
- located in the Library.
Librarian: Name: Dr. Hemkant Magan Chaudhari
Educational Qualification: M.Com – Pune, M. Lib. & Inf. Sci. – Aurangabad M. Phil., Ph. D., MS-CIT.
Job Description: –
- Acquisition.
- Serial Control.
- Library Management.
- Classification.
- Reference Service.
- Data Entry.
- Circulation
- Current Awareness Service.
Peon: Name: Rahul N. Pagare
Educational Qualification: – B.A. – Nashik L. T.C. & B. Lib. & Inf. Sci.
Job Description:
- Cleaning.
- Replacement of Books.
- Stack Management.
- Circulation.
Library rules for the students of the College.
General rules:
- All students must make use of the library facility to enrich their academic excellence.
- Only enrolled students are allowed to enter the college library on the strength of a valid Identity Card, which must be produced as and when it is demanded by the library staff or college teaching staff.
- Complete silence must be maintained in & near the library.
- Using the cell phone in the library is strictly prohibited.
- Infringement of the library rules will result in the withdrawal of the library from the student.
- All cases of the violation of rules will be reported to the Principal for suitable action.
- In case of any difficulty readers can approach the Librarian.
Home lending:
- The book can be borrowed as follows on production of this card. (FY, SY, TY- 2 Cards)
- Library book will be issued to the regular students for home lending only during the Eight days.
- Two book will be issued for home lending the two library card. Pure reference books, issues of periodicals, magazines, and newspapers will not be allowed out of the library or for home lending.
- If this card is lost or damaged this borrowers shall have to pay a fine of Rs. 10/- for each card.
- The librarian may recall a Book at any time in case of urgency.
- A fine of Rs.5/- per day will be charged for the late return of the books issued for overnight reading.
- Book must be returned on due date otherwise a fine 1/- Rupee per day for will be charged.
- At the time the book is issued for reading in the reading room or for home reading, the student must satisfy himself / herself that the book is not damaged or that the pages are not missing or torn. If there is a damage or loss of pages or torn of pages, it must be brought to the notice of the library staff. Otherwise they will be held responsible for any damage, loss, or torn pages.
- Books once issued should not be brought inside, unless it is to be returned.
- Books are re-issued only one time, if there are no claims
- Do not utilize library facility during lectures hrs.
- Readers are requested to see the notice board regularly.
Reading room:
- Complete silence and strict discipline should be maintained in the library and reading room.
- Newspapers & Magazines must be read only in the library should not be taken outside.
- Book will be issued for reading in the reading room in the library on producing the Identity Card. Books are not to be taken out of the library on any account. Infringement of this rule will make the defaulter liable to an automatic forfeiture or the Identity Card.
- All cases of disregard of these rules will be reported to the Principal for appropriate action.
Books damaged or lost or torn pages:
- If the book is lost or damaged by the students or if the pages are missing from the book, the value of the book shall have to be paid at the double price.
Monday to Saturday: 10.00 am to 5.45 pm.
Lunch Time: 1.30 pm to 2.00 pm.
Sunday and Holiday Closed.
During examination the time is extended up to 7.00 pm.
Research Publications/Presentations by Faculty Members:- (Year:- 2015-16 TO 2019-2020)
Name of Faculty | No. of International Journal Publications | No. of National Journal Publications | No. of Books Edited | Papers Presented | Validation & Verification Link (Details) | |
National | Inter national | |||||
Dr. Hemkant M. Chaudhari | 11 | 06 | —- | 04 | 11 |
Seminars/ Conferences/ Workshops Organized by the Department
Event | Theme/Topic | Date | Venue | No. of Participants |
National Conference | Impact of Library and Inf. Services in Changing Era | 14-15/ March. 2011 | S. M. Patel Memorial Hall, Shirpur. |
241 |
International Conference | Web Based Library and Information Services in Academic Librries | 10th February 2018 | S. M. Patel Memorial Hall, Shirpur. |
151 |
Sr. No. | Activities |
01 | Life Member Of KLA (Khandesh Library Association) |
02 | Life Member of NMULISC(North Maharashtra University Library and Information Science study Circle) |
03 | Member :- North Maharashtra University and College Teacher’s Organization |
04 | Co-Coordinator, One Day National Conference at SSVPS College, Shindkheda on 22nd Jan 2019 |
05 | Convenor and Chief Editor, International Conference at Smt. H R Patel Arts College Shirpur on 10th Feb 2018 |
Library Advisory Committee
Sr. No. | Name | Designation | Position |
01 | Prin. Dr. Sharada J. Shitole | Principal | Chairman |
02 | Dr. K. B. Patil | Vice Principal | Member |
03 | Dr. H. R. Chaudhari | H. O. D. | Member |
04 | Smt. S. M. Deore | H. O. D. | Member |
05 | Dr. H. M. Chaudhari | Librarian | Secretary |
The facilities provided by the library are increasing as the age is advancing. The number of books, periodicals and journals has been increased considerably during the last 5 years.
The material growth has also been increased. At present we have a new Xerox machine, cupboard and sufficient numbers of chairs, stands, tables, fans etc.
The numbers of students who visit library have also remarkably been increased during the last 5 years. The numbers of reference books and other requisite facilities have been increased considerably.
In short, library has grown in all dimensions, but more importantly services of the library are increased and improved according to the need of the users. At present, we are providing following quality services to our patrons.
- Online Public Access Catalogue.
- Computerized issue returns system.
- Online reservation facility.
- Current awareness service.
- Reference Services.
- Open access for all users.
- Circulation of Periodicals and Reference collection in reading room.
- Book Bank Scheme.
- Study Centre (Savitribai Phule & Sane Guruji)
- Career Guidance Programme.
- Conduct lectures on Library Orientation and OPAC System
- Access to the INFLIBET Resources by seeking user registration.
It includes the classification of the books. The books are classified as per the Dewey decimal classification method of 19th edition.
The college authority has provided Seven Computers so far. The data collection is entered by these computers and completed data entry of the books.
The College has purchased software for LIBSYS. It is useful to the book data entry. We have filled the Books data entry in the computer for fourteen years.
Xerox / Reprographic service are given to the students as well as to the teachers of our college. The services are rendered on the base of no-profit no-loss. The teachers and students use to avail this opportunity.
- Online Public Access Catalogue.
- Computerized issue returns system.
- Online reservation facility.
- Current awareness service.
- ICT Based Services
- Reference Services.
- Open access for all Library users.
- Circulation of Periodicals and Reference collection in reading room.
- Book Bank Facility for Students.
- Study Centre (Savitribai Phule & Sane Guruji)
- Career Guidance Programme.
- Conduct lectures on Library Orientation and OPAC System
- Access to the INFLIBET Resources by seeking user registration.
- News Paper Clipping Service:
- New Arrival Display for new books:
- Specious Reading Hall for Students:
Library provides following services to its readers:-
· Reference Services: – This includes assistance to the users to use library locating specific documents bibliographic search and it provides specific information regarding the topic chosen. Library has a good collection of reference sources such as Marathi Vishwakosh, encyclopedias, yearbooks, dictionaries etc. Library users can obtain information from these sources under Reference Services.
· Circulation Service: – Undergraduate students can issue one book for a period of fifteen days while postgraduate students can issue two books for a period of fifteen days.
· Reprographic Services: – The Central Library provides photo copies of the specific literature on the demand of the users. A reprography (xerox) service is available at the entrance to the library on payment basis. While photocopying library material, members should not infringe copyright laws.
· Open Access: – It is provided to the Senior College Students and Teachers
· OPAC: – Online Public Access Catalogue for Students and Staff. A dynamic Online Public Access Catalogue linked with the college library software, serve users as catalogue. A search is available through author, title, subject, publisher, ISBN and Boolean logic queries. Also, users can claim and reserve books.
· Online Database: – Library has subscribed to N-LIST (from INFLIBNET) database. As a part of resource sharing, college library users also make a use of SES and RCPET’s subscribed databases. Databases from both the sources are accessible globally using login ID and passwords. Students can contact librarian to obtain their login ID and password.
· Internet Service: – This service provides on well-equipped computer systems for faculty, Undergraduate, Postgraduate students, researchers to browse online databases on the internet for their academic purpose.
· Reading Room: – This facility is available for faculty with sitting capacity of 05 members and 65 chairs are placed for students separately in reading room of library.
· Central Library puts up the cutting on the current topics on the notice board of library.
· List of the new arrivals are also displayed.
- Orientation of New Users: Orientation is given to the First year students about how to use the library.
- Books Exhibition: The central library organizes exhibition of Books for Competitive examinations every year.
- BAR Code Sanning for Mobile: By using the technology of BAR Code scanning, the library has made available Question papers, PDF books, and News paper clipping on the mobiles of the students.
- Vachan Prerna Din “वाचन प्रेरणा दिन”: The library celebrates Dr. A. P.J. Abdul Kalam’s anniversary on 15th October of every year. On that auspicious day, the library organizes “Vachan Prerna Din”. Dr. Abdul Kalam’s books such as “Agnipankh: The Fire of Wings” are read out in the library.
- Library Day: Celebrate: The library celebrates S.R.Rangnathan Anniversary every year of 09th August every year.
- Best Library User Award: The Library declares the best library users award to the student who has been using library regularly and systematically. One student of each faculty is selected for this award. Librarian considers the behavior and punctuality of the students. The librarian suggests the name of the students to the advisory committee for the award.
- Audio Video Systems: The library provideds Audio-Video system.
- Feed Back: The Feedback from Students and Staff is collected. Suggestion given in the feedback is considered for improoving the activity of the library.
- Book Review (BRAIN)-(Book Reading and Internet Networking): Various books are given to the students along with the form of review. The students study and review the books. They share their view in the form about the books. The books are also given to the people by the student for review and data is collected from them.
Near about 140 to 160 books are issued to students. The Two card system method is used and the books are issued to the student accordingly. Now our library is partially automated. The book is issued with help of computers library software.
To maintain the smooth and efficient functioning of the library. Library committee is organized every year and according to their suggestions the library runs.
If the books are lost or damaged, library recovers the cost of books and also charges fine. So students and staff members regularly return the books. The number of lost of books is very marginal of negligible.
Xerox (Reprographic) services are made available to the students as well as to the teachers of our college. The service and rendered on the no loss and no profit base. The teachers and students used to avail this opportunity.
The expenditure of the library is done from the amount which is collected by running these activities.
Book Bank
Facility of our college is made available to poor and clever students. The library committee selects the deserving poor and clever students. And as per their demand, books are given to them. They are also asked to return the books at the end of the academic every year.
Last Five years reports of issuing books by Book Bank to the students
Sr. No. | Class | Years | |||||||||
| 2015-16 | 2016-17 | 2017-18 | 2018-19 | 2019-2020 | |||||
No. of Students | Issuing Books | No. of Students | Issuing Books | No. of Students | Issuing Books | No. of Students | Issuing Books | No. of Students | Issuing Books | ||
01 | F.Y.B.A. | 19 | 89 | 20 | 93 | 21 | 95 | 21 | 97 | 22 | 99 |
02 | S.Y.B. A. | 14 | 54 | 15 | 57 | 16 | 58 | 17 | 61 | 17 | 62 |
03 | T.Y.B.A. | 15 | 58 | 16 | 58 | 15 | 59 | 15 | 58 | 18 | 64 |
| Total:- | 48 | 201 | 51 | 208 | 52 | 212 | 53 | 216 | 57 | 225
The report stating the number of books issued to the “Students” and the number of students who used them during the last Five Years.
Sr. No. | Year | No of Users | No. of Books Issue |
01 | 2015-16 | 485 | 6477 |
02 | 2016-17 | 498 | 6759 |
03 | 2017-18 | 456 | 6055 |
04 | 2018-19 | 430 | 5666 |
05 | 2019-20 | 355 | 6248 |
| Total:- | 2224 | 31205 |
Details of Transactions of Students
Sr.No | Class | Years | |||||||||
| 2015-16 | 2016-17 | 2017-18 | 2018-19 | 2019-2020 | |||||
No. of Students | Issuing Books | No. of Students | Issuing Books | No. of Students | Issuing Books | No. of Students | Issuing Books | No. of Students | Issuing Books | ||
01 | F.Y.B.A. | 165 | 1980 | 167 | 2058 | 151 | 1812 | 160 | 1927 | 122 | 1952 |
02 | S.Y.B.A. | 160 | 2085 | 123 | 1627 | 115 | 1495 | 105 | 1369 | 107 | 1926 |
03 | T.Y.B.A. | 95 | 1427 | 130 | 1950 | 105 | 1472 | 107 | 1498 | 78 | 1535 |
04 | M.A. | 65 | 985 | 78 | 1124 | 85 | 1276 | 58 | 872 | 48 | 835 |
| Total:- | 485 | 6477 | 498 | 6759 | 456 | 6055 | 430 | 5666 | 355 | 6248 |
Report stating No. of books issued to the “Staff Members” during the last Five year.
Sr. No. | Year | No. of Staff Members | No.of Books Issue |
01 | 2015-16 | 24 | 737 |
02 | 2016-17 | 24 | 746 |
03 | 2017-18 | 23 | 739 |
04 | 2018-19 | 25 | 768 |
05 | 2019-20 | 28 | 789 |
| Total:- |
124 |
3779 |
Numbers of books available in the Library are 14053 it includes reference books, encyclopedia, Dictionaries etc. During the Last 05 years Library is enriched by the following books.
Sr. No. | Years | No.of Books Purchase | Amount Rs. |
01 | Up to 31st March 2015 | 11772 | 2457642.00 |
02 | 2015-16 | 685 | 184864.00 |
03 | 2016-17 | 203 | 48349.00 |
04 | 2017-18 | 348 | 79744.00 |
05 | 2018-19 | 498 | 125788.00 |
06 | 2019-20 | 547 | 135685.00 |
| Total:- | 14053 | 3032072.00 |
Year 2015-2016 To 2019-2020
Sr. No. | Year | Text Book | M.A. Text Book | Ref./Other Books | Total Books | ||||
Nos. | Rs. | Nos. | Rs. | Nos. | Rs. | Nos. | Rs. | ||
01 | 2015-16 | 267 | 47507.00 | 334 | 104242.00 | 84 | 33115.00 | 685 | 184864.00 |
02 | 2016-17 | 88 | 19989.00 | 24 | 10060.00 | 91 | 18300.00 | 203 | 48349.00 |
03 | 2017-18 | 190 | 30306.00 | 142 | 41383.00 | 16 | 8055.00 | 348 | 79744.00 |
04 | 2018-19 | 184 | 30700.00 | 171 | 49584.00 | 143 | 45504.00 | 498 | 125788.00 |
05 | 2019-20 | 410 | 71178.00 | — | —– | 137 | 64504.00 | 547 | 135682.00 |
| Total | 1139 | 199680.00 | 671 | 205269.00 | 471 | 169478.00 | 2281 | 574427.00 |
List of Newspapers
Sr. No. | Name of the Newspaper | Language |
01 | Times of India | English |
02 | Indian Express | English |
03 | Lokmat | Marathi |
04 | Sakal | Marathi |
05 | Loksatta | Marathi |
06 | Maharashtra Times | Marathi |
07 | Divya Marathi | Marathi |
08 | Punyanagari | Marathi |
09 | Deshdiit | Marathi |
10 | DainikBhaskar | Hindi |
Year – 2019-2020 List of Book Purchases – (Book Supplier)
Sr. No. | Subject | Text Book | M.A. Text Book | Ref./Other Books | Total Books | Periodicals | ||||
Nos. | Rs. | Nos. | Rs. | Nos. | Rs. | Nos. | Rs. | Nos. | ||
01 | English | 1405 | 134820.00 | 1011 | 263557.00 | 1002 | 403390.00 | 3418 | 801767.00 | 04 |
02 | Marathi | 887 | 69778.00 | 1072 | 169350.00 | 764 | 154832.00 | 2723 | 393960.00 | 08 |
03 | Hindi | 521 | 27856.00 | — | — | 479 | 134345.00 | 1000 | 162201.00 | 03 |
04 | History | 401 | 64054.00 | 364 | 61969.00 | 478 | 173354.00 | 1243 | 299377.00 | 04 |
05 | Geography | 607 | 76341.00 | — | — | 391 | 151084.00 | 998 | 227425.00 | 05 |
06 | Def. Stud. | 460 | 45405.00 | — | — | 219 | 88498.00 | 679 | 133903.00 | 02 |
07 | Polities | 305 | 43739.00 | — | — | 311 | 102731.00 | 616 | 146470.00 | 03 |
08 | Economics | 172 | 22654.00 | — | — | 223 | 52744.00 | 395 | 75398.00 | 02 |
09 | Psychology | 206 | 28699.00 | — | — | 202 | 56684.00 | 408 | 85383.00 | 01 |
10 | Education | 184 | 20855.00 | — | — | 363 | 125519.00 | 547 | 146374.00 | 03 |
11 | Computer | 062 | 10578.00 | — | — | 088 | 17460.00 | 150 | 28038.00 | 01 |
12 | Lib. Sci. | — | — | — | — | 068 | 40050.00 | 068 | 40050.00 | — |
13 | Music | — | — | — | — | 071 | 5478.00 | 071 | 5478.00 | — |
14 | Ref./Other | — | — | — | — | 1096 | 372279.00 | 1096 | 372279.00 | 04 |
15 | G.K. | 163 | 29478.00 | — | — | 383 | 74170.00 | 546 | 103648.00 | 03 |
16 | Savetribai Phule | — | — | — | — | 095 | 10321.00 | 095 | 10321.00 | — |
Total:- | 5373 | 574257.00 | 2447 | 494876.00 | 6233 | 1962939.00 | 14053 | 3032072.00 | 43 | |
Human Right UGC-2015-16 |
| 186 | 161555.00 |
| |
UGC Gen. Devlop. 2017-18 |
| 203 | 87741.00 |
| |
Book Bank Scheme |
| 456 | 46646.00 |
| ||||
CD & DVD |
| 126 | 33970.00 |
| ||||
Coaching Classes for Entry in Services |
| 733 | 124590.00 |
| ||||
Remedial Coaching Classes |
| 550 | 126902.00 |
| ||||
Computer Application and Knowledge |
| 452 | 151731.00 |
| ||||
Functional English |
| 43 | 7771.00 |
| ||||
Periodicals |
College subscribed N-List database from May 2014. Following publishers are incorporated with N-List.
American Institute of Physics ( 18 titles and 10 years backfiles access)
American Physical Society (10 titles and 10 years backfiles access)
Annual Reviews (33 titles and 10 years rolling backfiles access)
Cambridge University Press (224 titles and 10 years backfiles access)
Institute of Physics (46 titles and access from Vol 1)
Oxford University Press (206 titles and 10 years backfiles access)
Royal Society of Chemistry (29 titles and 10 years backfiles access)
Economic and Political Weekly (1 title and acces form 1966)
Indian Journals (150+ titles and access from 2007)
JSTOR (2000+ titles)
EBSCOHOST(H W Wilson )(2800+ titles )
Cambridge Books Online (1800 titles)
Oxford Scholarship-ebooks (1400+ titles)
NetLibrary-EBSCOhost (936 titles)
MyiLibrary-McGraw Hill-ebooks (1124 titles)
Hiindustan Books Agency -ebooks (65 titles)
Institute of South East Asian Studies(ISEAS) Books (382+ titles)
Springer eBooks (2005-2011) (2300 titles)
Sage Knowledge ebooks (1000 titles)
Taylor and Francis -ebooks (1800 titles)-new plateform
Ebrary-ebooks( 83000+ titles)
Link to each publisher on:
Users may contact Librarian to obtain N-LIST User-ID and Password.
Directory of Open Access Books
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
NISCAIR Research Journals
Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research (JSIR)
Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics (IJBB)
Indian Journal of Biotechnology (IJBT)
Indian Journal of Chemistry, Sec A (IJC-A)
Indian Journal of Chemistry, Sec B (IJC-B)
Indian Journal of Chemical Technology (IJCT)
Indian Journal of Experimental Biology (IJEB)
Indian Journal of Engineering & Materials Sciences (IJEMS)
Indian Journal of Fibre& Textile Research (IJFTR)
Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences (IJMS)
Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics (IJPAP)
Indian Journal of Radio and Space Physics (IJRSP)
Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge (IJTK)
Journal of Intellectual Property Rights (JIPR)
Indian Journal of Natural Products and Resources (IJNPR)
[Formerly Natural Product Radiance (NPR)
Annals of Library and Information Studies (ALIS)
BharatiyaVaigyanikevamAudyogikAnusandhanPatrika (BVAAP)
Journals published by the Indian Academy of Sciences
Bulletin of Materials Science
Proceedings – Mathematical Sciences,
Sadhana – Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences
Journal of Chemical Sciences
Journal of Earth System Science
Journal of Biosciences
Journal of Genetics
Pramana – journal of Physics
Bulletin of Materials Science
Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy
Resonance – journal of science education
Indian Academy of Sciences Conference Series
DIALOGUE: Science, Scientists, and Society
Current Science
I have to mention that without the financial assistance given by University Grant Commission we cannot update and well equiped our Library.
The authority of U.G.C. has sanctioned us the grant under the 10th, 11th, and 12th, plan. The grant was utilized in purchasing various useful books and reference books. The 02 xerox machine and computer were also purchased from the financial assistance given by U.G.C.
The department of Library thanks, U.G.C. authority. Because without the financial assistance given by the U.G.C. we would not have increased the number of the valuable books and would not have made over selves well-acquainted with the ever enhancing knowledge.
Sr. No. | Year | Total Book | Total Rs. |
01 |
General Development ( UGC 12th Plan) |
203 |
87741.00 |
02 |
Human Rights ( UGC 12th Plan) |
186 |
161555.00 |
03 |
Young College
397 |
145307.00 |
04 |
Special Grant
232 |
94463.00 |
05 |
Coaching Classes for Entry in Services
733 |
124591.00 |
06 |
Remedial Coaching Classes
550 |
126902.00 |
07 |
Computer Application and Knowledge
452 |
151731.00 |
08 |
Functional English
417 |
140907.00 |
Total:- |
3170 |
1210142.00 |
Books purchased from U.G.C. Grant Under
10th, 11th and 12th plan
Total No. of Books |
Amount Rs. |
3170 |
Books purchased from U.G.C. Grant
For the year 2015-16 to 2019-2020
Sr. No. | Year | No.of Books | Amount Rs. |
Up to March 2015 | 1825 | 938096.00 | |
01 | 2006-2007 | 680 | 287805.00 |
02 | 2007-2008 | 362 | 125975.00 |
03 | 2008-2009 | Nil | |
04 | 2009-2010 | 204 | 122851.00 |
05 | 2010-2011 | 320 | 125310.00 |
2011-2012 | 309 | 276115.00 | |
2015-2016 | 186 | 104164.00 | |
2017-2018 | 67230.00 | ||
2015 to 2020 Total:- | |||
Grand Total:- | 5253 | 1406492=61 |
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about library
Any student who is admitted to any of the courses offered by the college or any staff (teaching and non-teaching) can become the member of the library.
Photocopy charges are Rs1 per page.
Entire book cannot be photocopied. Periodical articles can be photocopied. Ph.D. Thesis and Dissertations cannot be photocopied.
Working hours of Library: 10.30 am to 6.00 pm.
Circulation Counter Timing: 10.30 am to 6.00 pm
Library is open on all working days except public and national holidays.

Prof. Chaudhari Hemkant Magan
M. Com; M. Lib. & Inf. Sci; M. Phil; Ph. D.