Contribution of IQAC

Significant Contribution of IQAC
A.Y. 2019-20
- Validation of Institutional API and Teacher’s Workload AY-2018-19
- Eight-days Teaching Staff –ICT Teaching Material Preparation Workshop
- Regular practice of conduct of ICT lectures
- Organization of more gender-sensitization programmes
- Organization of one-day National workshop, seven-day Webinar by Dept of Physical Education & IQAC.
- Induction Programme for FYBA students
- Mahatma Phule :Life and Career (University Sponsored Lecture series)
- Alumni Meet Organization
- Mata Melava (Mother Parents’ Meet)
- Guest Lecture on Google Classroom for ICT based teaching, learning, and evaluation
A.Y. 2018-19
- Initiation of Online Feedback system for students & staff.
- Regular practice of conduct of ICT lectures
- Organization of more gender-sensitization programmes
- Registration of Alumni Association at Charity Commissioner Office, Dhule
- Organization of two National Conferences, one IPR workshop.
- MoU formation with Shirpur-Warwade Municipal Council.
- Ten-day Faculty Development Programme on Computer Knowledge and Application.
- One-week NET-SET Exam preparation workshop.
A.Y. 2017-18
- Effective Academic Planning and Implementation
- Use of ICT in teaching-learning process
- Institutional API and Academic Diary for teaching –learning
- Organized Workshop on Diary Maintenance, Institutional API, and Teachers Teaching Workload.
A.Y. 2016-17
- Effective Academic Planning and Implementation
- Use of ICT in teaching-learning process
- Institutional API and Academic Diary for teaching –learning
- Organized Workshop on Diary Maintenance, Institutional API, and Teachers Teaching Workload.
- Department wise students’ visit to college library
A.Y. 2015-16
- Effective Academic Planning and Implementation
- 90-95% students’ computer literacy programme organized under Digital India Campaign (Digital India Week Programme)
- Formation of MoU with a Computer Centre to develop ICT skills among students
- Use of ICT in teaching-learning process
- Institutional API and Academic Diary for teaching –learning
- Ten Days Orientation course in Computer Knowledge and Application for Teachers
- Organized Workshop on Diary Maintenance, Institutional API, and Teachers Teaching Workload.
- Starting of MKCL Satellite Centre
- Guidance and assistance to outside College visitors for NAAC accreditation purpose
A.Y. 2014-15
- Effective Academic Planning and Implementation
- Promoting research culture among staff by MRP submission and sanction
- Use of ICT in teaching-learning process
- Institutional API and Academic Diary for teaching –learning
- Successful organization of International conf. in English