Code of Conduct for Staff

Code of Conduct for Staff
Code of conduct for teachers
a) Code of conduct for teachers and their responsibilities:
- Every teacher has to obey the orders of the Principal.
- Adhere to a responsible pattern of conduct and demeanor expected of them by the community.
- Manage their private affairs in a manner consistent with the dignity of the profession.
- The teacher has to take permission from the Principal for any type of leave.
- In case of emergency, the teacher has to take permission for early going or late going.
- Seek to make professional growth continuous through study and research.
- Express free and frank opinion by participation at professional meetings, seminars, conferences, etc. towards contribution of knowledge.
- Maintain active membership of professional organization and strive to improve education and profession through them.
- Perform your duties in the form of teaching, tutorial, practical, seminar and research work consciously and with dedication.
- Participate in extension, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities including community services.
b) Teachers with respect to students: Teachers should:
- Respect the rights and dignity of the student in expressing his/her opinion.
- Deal justly and impartially with student regardless of their religion, caste, political, economic, social and physical characteristics.
- Recognize the difference in the aptitude and capabilities among students and strive to meet their individual needs.
- Inculcate among students scientific outlook and respect for physical labour and ideals of democracy, patriotism and peace.
c) Teachers with respect to colleagues: Teachers should:
- Treat other members of the profession in the same manner as they themselves wish to be treated.
- Speak respectfully of other teachers and render assistant for professional betterment.
- Refrain from allowing consideration of caste creed, religion race or sex in their professional endeavor.
d) Teachers with respect to authorities: Teachers should:
- Discharge their professional responsibilities according to the existing rules and adhere to the procedures and methods consistent with teaching profession.
- Co-operate in the formulation of policies of the institution by accepting various offices and discharge responsibilities which such office may demand.
- Co-operate with the authorities for the betterment of the institutions keeping in view the interest and in conformity with dignity of the profession.
- Should adhere to the condition of contract.
- Give and expect due notice before a change of position is made.
e) Teachers with respect to non-teaching staff:
- Teachers should treat the non-teaching staff as colleagues and equal partners in a co-operative undertaking.
- Teachers should help in the function of joint staff-councils covering both teachers and non-teaching staff.
f) Teachers with respect to Guardians: Teacher should:
- Try to see, that institutions maintain contact with the guardians of their students, send report of their performance to the guardians whenever necessary and meet the guardians in meetings conveyed for the purpose for mutual exchange of ideas and for the benefits of the College.
g) Teachers with respect to society: Teachers should:
- Recognize that the education is a public service and strive to keep the public informed of the educational programs which are being provided.
- Work to improve education in the community and strengthen the community’s moral and intellectual life.